Mental Health
Harvard Health explains what stress can do to a person's mental capacity by saying, "For example, if you are in a dangerous or emotionally taxing situation, the amygdala (the part of your brain that governs your survival instincts) may take over, leaving the parts of your brain that help to store memories and perform higher-order tasks with less energy and ability to get their own jobs done... This is why you might be more forgetful when you are under stress or may even experience memory lapses during traumatic events.
Stress effects one's brain just as it effects the body, and mental exercise and health are just as important as physical exercise when it comes to relieving stress.
Negative mental health can take a toll on physical health and concentration. College students, more so than others, need concentration to succeed in their classes with good note taking skills, test taking, and for active learning in the classroom. College is way different from high school, and the mental demands classes take on students can wreak havoc in their lives, so this tab is to help combat the everyday stressors that college can give someone.
Yoga is a trendy way to relieve stress and to improve mental health. There any many versions of yoga, like hot yoga, yoga at sunset, goat yoga, etc. There are so many different versions of yoga that anyone can try.
Meditation is defined as to, "Think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting..." Meditation can be done anywhere and any time and can significantly improve focus and reduce stress in one's life. There are many apps out there that can assist in meditation for beginners or provide mantras or music as a background noise. A few popular meditation apps are: Headspace: Meditation & Sleep, 10% Happier: Meditation, and Stop, Breathe & Think
Art Therapy is using creative outlets to reduce stress and anxiety. Playing with Play-Doh, drawing, coloring, painting, clay making, creating collages, etc. are all ways that can improve someone's day to day life and mental well-being.
Mantras have been around for centuries and have been studied in regards to mental health. They are either a word, or group of words, or a neutral sound that aid in concentration and meditation. A study done by Aruna Lolla titled, "Mantras Help the General Psychological Well-Being of College Students: A Pilot Study," tested neutral mantras on college students over the period of a few weeks. The results the came back showed that regular use of mantras for college students caused them to be more relaxed, feel less nervous, reduce depression and anxiety, and improve focus.